Have you ever been behind an older sedan traveling a leisure 30 miles an hour down the freeway? When you finally get the chance to pass, you notice it’s a little old man who was born before the end of prohibition. You don’t honk or say anything mean, even under your breath, because you know that someday that will be you.

And then you start to wonder about which of the crazy things you will wind up doing when you reach that older age.

Believe it or not, there is a reason for many of the things older people do that seem odd to the younger generation. Many of these things they do have been things we have seen done by our elders for many dozens of years, like driving a car way too slow down the street, for example. But rather than just get mad by it, or have it bother you, it is better if you understand why senior citizens do some of the things that they do.

Basically, there is a reason, or logic behind what they do, like driving their car 25 miles under the speed limit. Your New York Medicaid planning service introduces several things older people say and do.

Rant About Politics

A lot of older people will jump at any chance to ramble on about the good days when Ronald Reagan was president. They will argue with anybody within earshot how though is economic plans were more or less a failure, we can forgive him because he had such a forceful presence and brought this country back together.

If you find yourself stuck in the middle of such a political rant, take a deep breath and show a little respect. After all, while you have lived through a few administrations in the Oval Office, that senior citizen you are talking politics with was probably around when Roosevelt signed The New Deal.

In fact, older Americans, in general, are a whole lot more knowledgeable about the subject of politics because they have lived it for so long.

They Worry About Silly Things

The older generation seems to be overly-fixated on silly things like getting to appointments on time a making sure someone has swept under the refrigerator.

You may live life hanging on the edge at all times, but the generation before you grew up in a society that compared how clean your house is to God and preached about the virtues of timeliness. You can never get to work on time, yet gripe when it takes your significant other longer than 15 seconds to respond to your text message.

Gifts You $5 for Your Birthday

This is actually a really smart idea. Look, this may very well be about the fact your grandparents are on a fixed income, but it’s even more likely because they have forgotten the value of money.

You must understand that your grandparents grew up in an era when gas was 40 cents a gallon, a Snicker’s bar was a nickel and a McDonald’s combo meal was less than 50 cents. So, that five bucks she doles out to you on your birthday can buy a lot, in her eyes anyway. Besides, think about if she were to buy you a gift instead and how disastrous that could turn out.

They Are Cranky

News flash: Old men are cranky. Older people have really bad attitudes about most things and it shows on their faces and in their words. They seem to be venting decades of pent-up rage.

Well, they probably are.

You might not believe this, but you gripe a whole lot yourself. The only difference between you and the elderly gentleman yelling at the kids in his yard is that you have a close knit group of friends and family members to whom you can vent. Many elderly men and women don’t have that support, they simply have to vent when the opportunity is there.

Besides, if you had 80 years of pent-up anger, you would be crank as well.

Nipple-High Pants

Most elderly people have long lost any sense of fashion they may have had at some point. They just don’t care what people think about how they dress anymore, they simply dress for comfort.

You need to consider that as you age, your body goes through more changes than the ones who dealt with during puberty. Basically, you lose muscle and suffer loss of bone density. You are reshaped into something a 4-year-old sculpted from Play-Doh. So it is far easier to just wear your pants as high a the top of the S on Superman’s leotards.