1. Your Medicaid Planning Service in New York and Senior Discounts

    Sometimes it pays to be old. Few of us are actually looking forward to getting old and becoming senior citizens. But make no doubt about it, you will likely reach that status someday. At least there is one major upside to aging in America; senior discounts. There are many companies that offer specia…Read More

  2. Your Medicaid Service in New York and Awesome Hobbies

    After a lifetime of work, you would think most people would spend their days lounging around the house taking naps at will. But that is just not the case. Many retirees know that they need to keep busy if they expect to stay healthy. For this reason, many retirees choose to engage in a hobby or two.…Read More

  3. Your Medicaid Planning Service and Jobs for Retired Couples

    For some couples, retirement means travel, relaxation and afternoon naps. For others, retirement means an opportunity to get a new job working together or even owning their own business. Whether it is for extra income or just to stay active, working with your significant other is a great way to reco…Read More

  4. Medicaid Planning and Chain Restaurants

    There are a number of things you will do when you retire. For example, you will probably play golf, buy orthopedic shoes and eat at chain restaurants. You can bet that more than half of the people you see at Applebee's on any given evening are retirees. The same holds true for many chain restaurants…Read More

  5. Medicaid Planning New York and Early Retirement

    Most people retire in their 60s, and the average age of retirement has been steadily climbing for years. But that doesn’t mean you have to wait until then to retire. Many people retire early and doing so can help you enjoy more experiences, take more pleasure in your everyday activities and help y…Read More

  6. New York Medicaid Consulting Offers New Year’s Party Tips

    New Year's Eve is one of the biggest celebrations of the year for many people. It is a great time to have your friends over for some fun and festivities. After all, you are retired and have all of the time in the world to plan an epic party. You just don't know where to start. That's quite alright, …Read More

  7. New York Medicaid Consulting and Old People Quirks

    Have you ever noticed that old people get a pass when it comes to certain social blunders? There are things that old people do that would just be weird if you were to do it at a younger age. For example, nobody thinks twice about an old man taking a power nap at the local diner waiting for his apple…Read More

  8. New York Medicaid Planning and Old People Habits

    Have you ever been behind an older sedan traveling a leisure 30 miles an hour down the freeway? When you finally get the chance to pass, you notice it's a little old man who was born before the end of prohibition. You don't honk or say anything mean, even under your breath, because you know that…Read More